Fusce felis eros, luctus eu tempus nec, auctor at nisl. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus blandit nisi cursus nulla dapibus ut vehicula neque interdum. Duis sed ante vel eros tempor sodales.
KaBOOM! is a non-profit that operates world-wide that works to ensure all kids get the play they need to thrive.
Client: KaBOOM!
Role:Producing, Directing, Editing
KaBOOM! came to us for help documenting a monumental event in the life of their organization – their 3000th playground build! At Storytellers, we took this as an opportunity to not only help celebrate this day, but communicate the heart and soul of the organization.